Carter's Corner

Cindy and I are proud to introduce our new addition to the family, Carter. Through this blog we would like to keep our family and friends updated with the latest info and happenings of "CJ". Please feel free to comment on any of the postings by clicking on the "comments" section below each picture or update. We'd love to hear from you! Thanks for visiting!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

September and October

Talk about two busy months! Over the Labour Day Weekend, Carter went to Lancaster, PA with his dad and mom to learn about trains, farms and the countryside. During September, Carter was busy crawling around on his belly, pulling himself to stand and learning to eat solid foods. In October, visitors that came by to Philly included his Grandma Choy, 3E Jeung Goong and 3E Jeung Po, Uncle Enoch, Uncle Nick and Auntie Renie. A quick trip to Toronto was also made, in order to see Uncle tim get ordained, and to celebrate the Canadian Thanksgiving. As well, Carter started "helmet therapy" in order to help round out his head. With his new helmet, he's just in time for the football and hockey season!!!