Carter's Corner

Cindy and I are proud to introduce our new addition to the family, Carter. Through this blog we would like to keep our family and friends updated with the latest info and happenings of "CJ". Please feel free to comment on any of the postings by clicking on the "comments" section below each picture or update. We'd love to hear from you! Thanks for visiting!!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Welcome home!!

March 12, 2005
Today is the first day we brought CJ home with us. He was not amused with the ride however! Crying the whole time in the car (must be the bad roads in Philly!). Or maybe the new environment. Once home we were glad to see that he settled in nicely. We are still learning what his different crys mean and how to meet his needs during these first days in the real world. Here are some pictures of his homecoming.